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MAverick I mean to say if A message goes to member that GD has started then he/she may show interest to participated .
If also he is not logging to the site may be logged in to read the topic or to participate
Did you mean an email message to all the members that a new GD is started? That is what exactly we are planning as a weekly newsletter which contain all that info.

When opportunity is in front of you, don't hesitate to catch it. It will never come to you again. - Maverick

Yes maverick.. A Newsletter for our site is really a good idea.. We can even place an editorial board from our members. But the process may get complicated..

Anyway having a newsletter for our site is a very good thing...

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Yes MAverick Exactly I was trying to say that and that will definitely ( I hope) Members will take interest to participate in GD.
If they found the topic interesting
Regarding referal again.I referred the site two persons and they joined also.But they are independent.So if I refer one through my referal code the referred cannot edit the code.At present it is possible.

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I hadn't referred any one to this site so far as I have no such friends who are able to spend time here.
Your referrals need not be your friends, you can refer anyone who can spend time here. You can post referral link on social networks/blogs etc

When opportunity is in front of you, don't hesitate to catch it. It will never come to you again. - Maverick

Is there any solution to my problem?When I refer a person he is able to edit referal code.Hence he can join independently.

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Any one can join by his own by logging to the site.But if one joins after referred by one independently, it is paining.
It requires members combined effort to increase the registration on this site....
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