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Members can only refer the site to his / Her friends and relatives.Joining or not joining is the decision of the recipient.All may not be interested to join.

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The stats says that 229 had joined this month.That is an average 8 per day.Isn't it a good stat?
If you compare the figure with that of the previous months it may turn out to be not that good!
I have suggested Maverick to prepare some attractive banner ad of boddunan which can be added in emails while forwarding mails. This will induce the reader of the email to click on the banner which will inturn open a registeration page of boddunan as referral link.

Click the below link for news which you can use:NeWsYoUCaNUsE
it will be increased

@ anbul

It is not a good stat at all. 229 members per month is a very less number. Boddunan needs publicity. Then only more members will join in this site.

Cool information and hot earnings @
I too agree with this topic. The registration of the members has fallen down a lot. Hope Boddunan and our members have some more innovative ideas to make it the best site!

Thanks 'n' Regards,
Yes really reminder require time to time to invoke de-active members.What is means of 6000 members count if they are not active.

Santosh Kumar Singh


it require time to time
The growth in the membership figure this month so far continues to be a matter of concern and it is unable to keep up with the healthy trend in the first quarter of the current year.What do you think about this?
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