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we are 25 in our group every one will get together every year. That time is really amazing and it will be happiest moment in life. Everyone cheating others and have fun.. :woohoo: :woohoo: :cheer:

That must be some thing vey funny while you guys cheat every one else and have fun, nice way. :cheer:

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we are 25 in our group every one will get together every year. That time is really amazing and it will be happiest moment in life. Everyone cheating others and have fun.. :woohoo: :woohoo: :cheer:

Its good that a group of members meet and have a nice time together.

Want to make each day Accountable

Really twent five is quite a big gathering foe having fun. I liked the idea.

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Ya i like get together and i pass my graduation but still all of my friends get together and makes lots of fun... :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
we are 25 in our group every one will get together every year. That time is really amazing and it will be happiest moment in life. Everyone cheating others and have fun.. :woohoo: :woohoo: :cheer:

Can you quote some of such funs??? :S :S

Meera sandhu
Ya really vinodh share some moments with us so we also enjoy your happiest moment....
I like get together as all our childhood and college friends can meet and enjoy

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

I still go out in group and to share one such trip we 8 friends started on 4 mobikes 3 years before and covered almost every place worth its name in Uttranchal, it took us 23 days with about 10 hours per day. A trip covering more than 4k km.

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Get together brings our old memory alive.We can arrange small parties at home to meet with friends and relatives .Each member has different track through life and so it is not possible to meet each other if family arranges get together like a small dinner party or lunch party in weekend then its possible for relatives and friends to meet each other.And we share our life few moments with them which make them feel happy.

Sharmistha Banerjee
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