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They have no respects for real heroes who did it on their own. Players in Golf, Shooting, green table top games like billiards, pool have produced so many greats but none remembers them. The irony is that the leaders promote games where their own interests are involved.

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That's bad we don't accolade for the sports persons who achieve high in world level tournaments other than sports like cricket.I am sure people if asked who won the olympic gold medal for India they will stress up their mind and many of them still may not be able to name that person which is shined for India and made a history which will not be repeted for many years in future. :blink:
They have no respects for real heroes who did it on their own. Players in Golf, Shooting, green table top games like billiards, pool have produced so many greats but none remembers them. The irony is that the leaders promote games where their own interests are involved.

Absolutely correct! That's reason why we are laggards in sports! If you look at China the difference in approach is so pronounced! It is no wonder that this country is even threatening USA's hegemony in sports!
Not only threatening but you will see the results of their systematic approach and hard work in next Olympics in UK. Where they are going to sweep every thing on stake.

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Not only threatening but you will see the results of their systematic approach and hard work in next Olympics in UK. Where they are going to sweep every thing on stake.

I too believe that! They are indeed, a force to reckon with in the global stage!
US and some other countries may get some in races that too long run ones on the basis of Afro athletes, otherwise they are going to face a stiff challenge in all other games.

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Anand returned to India and he was given a warm welcome. Once again, am congratulating India's true hero

Meera sandhu
I didt aware of this news until i came to this thread. This si really a good news.

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

Anand is also a proud of India. Congratulation to him.
Anand is the real hero. I like him a lot as i am very busy with my work. I cant able to start a thread here. Congrates to him for his achievement. We all wish him for his success in future.. :cheer:

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