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my brother is also a great fan of him and he too plays chess ver well.
congratulations to him.really feel proud that our country has such gems. :) :) :whistle: :whistle:

We are too much aware of cricket,but in other games there are many heros like Anand,Liender or Saina who make our country proud.
I didt aware of this news until i came to this thread. This si really a good news.

So, you didn't even see newspapers nowadays??? :blink: :blink: :blink:

Meera sandhu
They have no respects for real heroes who did it on their own. Players in Golf, Shooting, green table top games like billiards, pool have produced so many greats but none remembers them. The irony is that the leaders promote games where their own interests are involved.

Absolutely correct! That's reason why we are laggards in sports! If you look at China the difference in approach is so pronounced! It is no wonder that this country is even threatening USA's hegemony in sports!

I think India would be able to do slightly better than before. Not much.

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