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When they are very close they don't find interest in daily things
When the human beings have gap then they will know and understand the value of each other then their relation ship becomes more sweeter

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

When the human beings have gap then they will know and understand the value of each other then their relation ship becomes more sweeter

Can you say 100%, gap will only increase intensity of love? :evil:

Are you still loving your nursery/school friend as before?

Meera sandhu
Sandhya, Gap means here we are talking the gap between the much closed friends with whom we are still in touch. For suppose i have a friend in my tenth standard. after 10 year i met that friend. Now we are close friends.

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

Sandhya, Gap means here we are talking the gap between the much closed friends with whom we are still in touch. For suppose i have a friend in my tenth standard. after 10 year i met that friend. Now we are close friends.

She may be your best friend at school. You may have even thought that, she will be the best for your life term. But can you say now also, you didn't get friends better than her, at your college? She is of course in your heart, I agree. But that intensity at your school life, do you still feel for her as before?

Meera sandhu
yes, i didnt get better friends than her. I and she have a better understanding.

Gap gives advantage and even disadvantage.

I will give you one example. There are wife and husband. Wife went to her mothers house for few days. As she is absense in the house husband may know the value of her as she cares him she cook for him, she spend time with him. So his love towards her may increase and the relation may become sweeter. But same gap may be disadvantage that is - as she is not there, husband may get some other lady and some other affairs.

As We should look toward positivity, so I take gap gives sweetness

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

The sweetness comes only if the relationship is sweet before...if it's bitter then it will always be bitter even after you depart...
yes, you are right rajani, if the relation ship before is sweet then the after also will be sweet but some times though the relation ship is not good before but after understanding few values after relation ship also may be sweeter

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

yes, you are right rajani, if the relation ship before is sweet then the after also will be sweet but some times though the relation ship is not good before but after understanding few values after relation ship also may be sweeter

But it's very difficult Sarala, ego wont allow...however maybe after dying only it will change...and sometimes even then it wont change. :(
yes, i didnt get better friends than her. I and she have a better understanding.

Gap gives advantage and even disadvantage.

I will give you one example. There are wife and husband. Wife went to her mothers house for few days. As she is absense in the house husband may know the value of her as she cares him she cook for him, she spend time with him. So his love towards her may increase and the relation may become sweeter. But same gap may be disadvantage that is - as she is not there, husband may get some other lady and some other affairs.

As We should look toward positivity, so I take gap gives sweetness

Yes, I agree "Gap gives both advantages and disadvantages."
But may not be applicable always :blink:

Meera sandhu
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