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It really seems strange that the person who started thread has vanished. May be he is looking for some other questions.

I think only a few people have studied Maths as specialization stream. Most of them, including me have forget everything at plus 2 level itself

Meera sandhu
It really seems strange that the person who started thread has vanished. May be he is looking for some other questions.

I think only a few people have studied Maths as specialization stream. Most of them, including me have forget everything at plus 2 level itself

I also have forgotten what is rational number.I think i need to study 6th standard books again to regain it. :laugh:
It really seems strange that the person who started thread has vanished. May be he is looking for some other questions.

I think only a few people have studied Maths as specialization stream. Most of them, including me have forget everything at plus 2 level itself

I also have forgotten what is rational number.I think i need to study 6th standard books again to regain it. :laugh:

Don't worry, after 3-4 years, your kids will teach you :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo:

Meera sandhu
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