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Even me forgotten maths problems now I am depending on calculator to count each and every thing.

Then you need my special maths class....

{CJATTACHMENT ["id": 6759]}

Ok i will come what is the fees madam? :laugh:
I even tried to searc about this.
I think rational number means if we get any remainder when we divide a number with 2 then it is known as rational number. am i right

Number not divisible by 2 is either odd number or prime number. Rational number includes odd numbers and prime numbers. What about even, whole, decimals and fractions? Rational numbers include all except few non repeating decimal numbers and integers.

first you read what you have said that number not divisible by 2 is either odd number or prime number.its true in the case of odd number.but if you check the list again 2 is a prime number and you should know that 2 is also an even number and every even number is divisible by relating this statement with the above said by you that number not divisible by 2 is prime number is wrong.because 2 itself is divisible by 2 and it is a prime number also.

so im not wrong here..its just that you have misunderstood the words or have mixed my words.

terminating and recurring(repeating)decimals are rational numbers.
Non-terminating and non-recurring decimals are irrational numbers.

and now coming to your question.yes rational numbers include even numbers,whole numbers,decimals and fractions.
rational numbers not include the numbers which are not repeating decimals or non-terminating decimals like 3.1245679874537.... so it is a non-recurring(non-repeating) and non-terminating decimal.
any more query?

It seems as if you are totally confused with rational and irrational numbers. Have patience and go through it once again. Your first answer was right.

i think you should read my statements once more because there is nothing that i have said wrong its just that you have misunderstood.if not than read my definition of rational numbers and then read the next statement in another para.
its clearly written that rational numbers do not include not repeating decimals or non-terminating can you tell me whats the difference in two?

I think maths require practice to learn,you must try to solve maths problem by this way your maths will be improve as well as you will start to enjoy maths problem and forget about calculator.
properties of numbers worksheets
Even me forgotten maths problems now I am depending on calculator to count each and every thing.

Then you need my special maths class....

{CJATTACHMENT ["id": 6759]}

Ok i will come what is the fees madam? :laugh:

Only a small tip, 1000 bonus points from your account...nothing more

Meera sandhu
Baby Angel any definition of science or maths has to be very specific. Otherwise answers are wrong. So you should go through the links once again to see that I have replied to a topic where Sarala has written "any number divided by 2 gives remender is rational number." I have just pointed out that post. I agree its my mistake I did not mentioned about prime number. Thanks for that. But try to give quotes. Otherwise it is very confusing. You may have your own definitions in mind and you are right but when you write, meaning gets changed and readers get confused. That hardly matters. If you want you can solve my question.
It really seems strange that the person who started thread has vanished. May be he is looking for some other questions.
Some people do not find the solutions as per their expectations and stop participating. May be he is one of them.

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Even me forgotten maths problems now I am depending on calculator to count each and every thing.

Then you need my special maths class....

{CJATTACHMENT ["id": 6759]}

Ok i will come what is the fees madam? :laugh:

Only a small tip, 1000 bonus points from your account...nothing more

Its too costly i think i need to find new teacher. :laugh:
What kind of teacher do you want? A some one a cane in hand or some one you would love to learn from?

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