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terminating and recurring(repeating)decimals are rational numbers.
Non-terminating and non-recurring decimals are irrational numbers.

Yes this is known but answer the question that I have mentioned above. I hope you have right answer for my question.
firstly i want to give you the correct definitions of all:
prime numbers-the number other than one which does not have any factor apart from one and itself is called a prime number.Ex-2,3,5,7,11,13 and so on..
here 2 is divisible by 2 so your statement was wrong.

Even numbers:all the numbers which are divisible by 2 are called even numbers.Ex-2,4,6,8,10 and so on.

Odd numbers:numbers that are not divisible by 2 are called odd numbers.Ex-1,3,5,7,9 and so on

Integers:the set of all non-fractional numbers lying between -infinity and +infinity are called integers.they are of two types.
Positive integers:+1 to +infinity.
Negative integers:-1 to -ininity.
0 is neither positive nor negative integer.

Natural numbers:All the positive integers are called natural numbers.ex-1,2,3,4,5 and so on..

Whole numbers:Set of all positive integers and 0 are called whole numbers.Ex-0,1,2,3,4 and so on.

and now coming to your question.yes rational numbers include even numbers,whole numbers,decimals and fractions.
rational numbers not include the numbers which are not repeating decimals or non-terminating decimals like 3.1245679874537.... so it is a non-recurring(non-repeating) and non-terminating decimal.
any more query?

terminating and recurring(repeating)decimals are rational numbers.
Non-terminating and non-recurring decimals are irrational numbers.

and now coming to your question.yes rational numbers include even numbers,whole numbers,decimals and fractions.
rational numbers not include the numbers which are not repeating decimals or non-terminating decimals like 3.1245679874537.... so it is a non-recurring(non-repeating) and non-terminating decimal.
any more query?

It seems as if you are totally confused with rational and irrational numbers. Have patience and go through it once again. Your first answer was right.
firstly i want to give you the correct definitions of all:
prime numbers-the number other than one which does not have any factor apart from one and itself is called a prime number.Ex-2,3,5,7,11,13 and so on..
here 2 is divisible by 2 so your statement was wrong.

Your explanation is wrong. Not only 2, all numbers can be divided by itself and one. Here is the link for list of prime numbers. Check it.
Friends here is my question. Guess whether the numbers are rational or not?
square root of 3 and 7

Actually I asked the above question. If you like it then you can solve it for fun.
Friends here is my question. Guess whether the numbers are rational or not?
square root of 3 and 7

Actually I asked the above question. If you like it then you can solve it for fun.

Very happy to see a Maths scholar in forum....Sanjeev has already forgotten his maths lessons years back. :P

Meera sandhu
Even me forgotten maths problems now I am depending on calculator to count each and every thing.
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Even me forgotten maths problems now I am depending on calculator to count each and every thing.

Then you need my special maths class....

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Meera sandhu
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