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Well not only china and Pakistan any small country surround our bounder will rejoice hearing this news. And we keep crying... :(

What is far more disturbing is the way this particular piece of information has been leaked! There should be a thorough inquiry to unearth truths!
The leakage of information is indeed a matter of concern. This results from the current trend of more transparency and publicity and less confidentiality. many in bureaucracy and defence service are always eager to go before TV camera for self publicity.

If the facts in army chief letter are true, this is indeed very alarming. There is lot of corruption in defence services also. But people at large have no direct day to day dealing with army. Hence, corruption in defence service is not highlighted much. The officers in uniform also seek more personal comforts and luxury rather than better equipment, weapons and training. It may be remembered that revolt in Egypt under leadership of col Nasser was caused by utmost corruption in army.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

The leakage of information is indeed a matter of concern. This results from the current trend of more transparency and publicity and less confidentiality. many in bureaucracy and defence service are always eager to go before TV camera for self publicity.

If the facts in army chief letter are true, this is indeed very alarming. There is lot of corruption in defence services also. But people at large have no direct day to day dealing with army. Hence, corruption in defence service is not highlighted much. The officers in uniform also seek more personal comforts and luxury rather than better equipment, weapons and training. It may be remembered that revolt in Egypt under leadership of col Nasser was caused by utmost corruption in army.

You are bang on,Gulshanji! I heard from one of my friends who is in sales that contrary to popular perception there is more corruption in the Army!
The leakage of information is indeed a matter of concern. This results from the current trend of more transparency and publicity and less confidentiality. many in bureaucracy and defence service are always eager to go before TV camera for self publicity.

If the facts in army chief letter are true, this is indeed very alarming. There is lot of corruption in defence services also. But people at large have no direct day to day dealing with army. Hence, corruption in defence service is not highlighted much. The officers in uniform also seek more personal comforts and luxury rather than better equipment, weapons and training. It may be remembered that revolt in Egypt under leadership of col Nasser was caused by utmost corruption in army.

You are bang on,Gulshanji! I heard from one of my friends who is in sales that contrary to popular perception there is more corruption in the Army!

certain branches- namely Quartermaster, army supply corps, army ordnance corps, Canteen stores Department are very corrupt. ASC (Army supply corps) is also nicknamed as Atta selling corps.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

I think corruption in higher-ups in the Army is a potential national threat.Events for the past few months are highly damaging on the morale of our army men!
I think corruption in higher-ups in the Army is a potential national threat.Events for the past few months are highly damaging on the morale of our army men!

It's spread as termite in our country. Hopes are endless for getting ride of corruption but no implementation in anyway.
Now it is revealed that Army chief letter to P.M. is routine that is usually written before retirement. The only issue is that this was leaked. Although the chief pointed out certain problems and requirements, there is nothing to panic. army is fully capable to face any threat.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

Yes I had heard in news that military men also do corruption. :( :(

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Now it is revealed that Army chief letter to P.M. is routine that is usually written before retirement. The only issue is that this was leaked. Although the chief pointed out certain problems and requirements, there is nothing to panic. army is fully capable to face any threat.

All we know what our jawans are capable of but why this unfortunate event has been allowed to take place!!
The information was only for PM,but no one know how it had leaked.
This is indeed very sad.

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