New Delhi: Army Chief General VK Singh had raised the sorry state of infrastructure in the armed forces in the country in a letter to Prime Minister Manmohan Singh dated March 12. General Singh had written that the Army's tank regiments lack ammunition to defeat the enemy, the air defence is almost obsolete and the infantry is falling short of critical weapons.
He underlined that the country's security might be at stake due to the critical shortage of ammunition. The letter, sent to the Prime Minister's Office, had asked Manmohan Singh to 'pass suitable directions to enhance the preparedness of the Army'. The explosive letter comes amidst claims made by the Army Chief that he was offered bribe to clear a deal for sub-standard vehicles in the Army. General Singh wrote that the Army's entire tank fleet was devoid of critical ammunition to defeat enemy tanks. He also added that the air defence was '97 per cent obsolete and it doesn't give the deemed confidence to protect from the air', the infantry had 'deficiencies of crew served weapon' and lacks 'night fighting' capabilities and that the Elite Special Forces were 'woefully short of essential weapons'.
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It's one of most important developments and thanks Rohit for floating this thread. It is so scary! We have two most unpredictable and ever belligerent neighbors like Pakistan and China. The PM owes it to the nation an immediate explanation to the nation. If our MPs and MLAs could be kept in such good humor with fat salaries and generous allowance - our army is facing shortage of ammunition!! What a country! Shame on this government!
agree with you chinmoy
Yes,its true,we lack at various places.Our weapons,doesn't has much facility to say that it has advance technology.But,i am little surprised,that what indian government is doing? We had lots of deals with france,Russia,US,Israel and lot more countries for the ammunition and weapons.So,what are those deals? Is it everything in air or really those deals are their.

As compared to China,we are much weak true.But,i won't sat that we can't defeat Pakistan. We are much ahead of pakistan.

I think,in the Northern Areas,such as Jammu & Kashmir,Arunachal Pradesh etc,where hills are there,lots of development need to be done.
Infrastruture should be improved.

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I remember what happened during Kargil war. The government didn't have any information about the fact that Pakistani intruders sneaked into our country and built bases in the mountains for months before it woke and we had to pay a heavy price. Now I hear Chinese helicopter are regularly seen in the skies of Arunachal Pradesh with no from the government!
Yes, have read this news and very disappointed to know. :(
Well said by chinmoy, If PM comes out with explanation it will definetely prove our incapability. The shortage is very serious problem and there must be some controversy or scame behind this as usual as India is becoming famous for its scams. Many be it's celebration time for China n Pakistan as they are much better in this matter. :angry:
I remember what happened during Kargil war. The government didn't have any information about the fact that Pakistani intruders sneaked into our country and built bases in the mountains for months before it woke and we had to pay a heavy price. Now I hear Chinese helicopter are regularly seen in the skies of Arunachal Pradesh with no from the government!

Previously India was unaware but even after releazation, the government is ignoring the most important thing that is Border Security.
If the General Chief itself tells that we can't defeat the enemy with the present weapons,which we have,its a really shame to our army.
This means,some scam type process is really going on.
AHHHH .... This is ridiculous !!!

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Former Army Chief Gen. Shankar Roy Chowdhuri has commented that only Pkaistan and China would laughing all the way hearing this! Cry my country men,cry!!
Well not only china and Pakistan any small country surround our bounder will rejoice hearing this news. And we keep crying... :(
I think,lots of activites in the field of Weapons are happening in our country,but hearing from the Army General,the story looks really dull.
We are making nuclear weapons.Lots of new Fighter planes are ordered and some have arrived.
India have enough capability to lose any country,but,when we hear these type of statements from the biggest officer of Army,what we could say?

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