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So you are saying, we won't get money for page visits??????

Sandhya you can certainly make good money by writing recipes as recipes are the new emerging market.

And what sarala said is true but things are changing. Many offline food chains are coming online and so the ads are becoming more relevant and people actually click on the ad.

One thing you must realize is that for a casual surfer, there is no such thing as ads. Everything on your site is a part of your site and it is upto you where you want to send your users.

But let me tell you one thing very honestly, you would never be able to get much traffic to your recipe as you are starting on a free blogger blog. For recipe blogs, google take into account other meta data like user reviews, time to prepare the meal, nutrition value etc etc. Here is an example of that:,or.r_gc.r_pw.r_qf.,cf.osb&fp=cfdef316585c5ae0&biw=1920&bih=979

Look at the first result, you will see stars rating, how many reviews and time for preparing the meal all in one line. You can't do it with free blogger blog.

You need to have your own site to implement the metadata script.
Thank you said by: Sandhya Rani, sarala
Page visit is the best option in google adsense. Because if ad clicking begins taking place the end result is a cancelled account. They do not permit more than 4% clicks compared to page visits. So be very cautious how you interpret google's way of earning through adsense account. I would never suggest clicks on a blog, which has adsense adverts running on it. Neither I prefer to put my blog on forums where it has 100% chances of disappearing sooner than later.

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I have to learn a lot...I think so

Meera sandhu
there is alot to know and alot to learn any of a the subject we learn

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

This is true for any subject, I have been doing so many things for years and still trying to learn as much as I can, there is no end to knowledge gaining.

I love this free image hosting site for sharing my work

that great. Learning something always that to new things is really good. it will helpful to you and even to others

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

Today I was going through my lessons I had during my SEO certification in Bangalore. Yesterday I was trying to learn photo shop a little more, I wanted to do some scathing for my latest article on management and presentation because I did not have any proper photographs for them. I did not succeed so I did with some stock photos.

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Sandhya,just go for your blog.Take time to get into it and then buy domain and hosting package and later own your site,because that is the final stage where you will earn.
I have started blogging too.

Want to make each day Accountable

Hi- Ronark, This is good to have your own website and blog but do not count much on earning through that. That is one good way but if you are too active and innovative with lots of business ideas while blogging and knowledge of SEO. I wish you all the best.

I love this free image hosting site for sharing my work

Ya you are true Suni knowledge have no end....How much you gain it is less...
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