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True, this is very clearly mentioned in TOS of adsense that for countries like India and China they must wait for six months before applying for the same. They will refuse to approve if applied before.

I love this free image hosting site for sharing my work

True, this is very clearly mentioned in TOS of adsense that for countries like India and China they must wait for six months before applying for the same. They will refuse to approve if applied before.

Yes my blog got rejected due to applied before 6 months. So, now i m planning to start new blog :)

True, this is very clearly mentioned in TOS of adsense that for countries like India and China they must wait for six months before applying for the same. They will refuse to approve if applied before.

Yes my blog got rejected due to applied before 6 months. So, now i m planning to start new blog :)

But you can not do it with current email and mobile/phone. Take care to disable your cookies a fresh phone number and new email ID.

I love this free image hosting site for sharing my work

But I got accepatance from them for one day only so I am a lucky person.

Earn money just for joining in this site.

But I got accepatance from them for one day only so I am a lucky person.

Sarala is also saying so. What's the matter? :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo:
6 months or 1 day?

Meera sandhu
But I got accepatance from them for one day only so I am a lucky person.

Are you using adsense on your blog? I saw adchoice adverts only. Did I miss some thing? Same was the case with others.

I love this free image hosting site for sharing my work

Still the confusion continues:( 1 month or 6 months for approval? :huh:

Still the confusion continues:( 1 month or 6 months for approval? :huh:

So, even if we start a blog now, what should we do for 6 months? Will we get any income at that period?

Meera sandhu
I think now its 6 months previously it was one day. The rule have been modified recently.
I think now its 6 months previously it was one day. The rule have been modified recently.

Even previously this was possible to get an adsense account through websites who offered their members to get an adsense account provided they had 5 articles published. Now even those sites can not help in that matter. Besides adsense have certain norms and subjects. And cooking and recipes are strictly not allowed as per their guidelines.

I love this free image hosting site for sharing my work

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