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I think now its 6 months previously it was one day. The rule have been modified recently.

So lucky persons have already created their blogs earlier :( :( :(

Meera sandhu

one of my friend earning 65000 dollars every months.

$65,000? I think it will be Rs. 65,000 (which itself is a huge amount). Otherwise he'll be a millionaire and definitely an online celebrity like John Chow or Darren Rowse!

one of my friend earning 65000 dollars every months.

$65,000? I think it will be Rs. 65,000 (which itself is a huge amount). Otherwise he'll be a millionaire and definitely an online celebrity like John Chow or Darren Rowse!

earning Rs 6500 is a big deal from a blog. Yes there are very few persons in blogging world who can do that.

I love this free image hosting site for sharing my work

I also want to earn a good income from blogging but I cannot getting time to do it.

Earn money just for joining in this site.

I also want to earn a good income from blogging but I cannot getting time to do it.

I checked your blog, and found it has lots of links. Do you have more of them?

I love this free image hosting site for sharing my work

No sunil one is my blog another one is a games site which will give us cell recharge for playing games.

Earn money just for joining in this site.

No sunil one is my blog another one is a games site which will give us cell recharge for playing games.

But I did not see adsense adverts running on your blog. The adverts there are are from adhitz. Or am I missing some thing?

I love this free image hosting site for sharing my work

How will we will know that the adds are added by google. :( :(

Earn money just for joining in this site.

How will we will know that the adds are added by google. :( :(

Come on ads by google are different and carry google written on them allover.

I love this free image hosting site for sharing my work

Ok I will check but it is having adds by adchoices. Is this google ads or not.

Earn money just for joining in this site.

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