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me Also earning from my blog. check my blog for more details. but i never get adsense because my blog is in tamil
How i check your blog details can you give link.........
I think this is allowed to place it here in shape of signature. She can try it that way.

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me Also earning from my blog. check my blog for more details. but i never get adsense because my blog is in tamil

You can place two blog links in your profile according to rules. Do add them :)

Meera sandhu
Ya of course they can try if they want..........
i have not started writing blogs so i don't know much about it. :blink:
my blog also got rejected for 2 times. i think the blog must be in english. my blog is in tamil
Ok no problem they you try to convert your Tamil blog in english and then submit....
Its not the matter of language.Many people use other languages also. So google excepts tamil also. May be your presentation and other things may be mistaken. Please send me your blog address through PM. I will see and let you know

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

Ya you are the moderator and i hear that you have good knowledge of seo so you can do it......sarala.
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