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You will get high traffic if you post the latest technology news.

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But I have notice that all things depend on page rank.. I have one article on my blog, and same on one article writing.. but on that article site I am getting many many views from google, while on my blog not getting enough traffic.

Yes we have to increase our page rank by posting quality articles and frequent posting.

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But isn't it unfair.. I mean for same content, we don't get same results on different site..

But isn't it unfair.. I mean for same content, we don't get same results on different site..

Posting in two places is unfair.You can post it somewhere and also give a link from your blog.

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But where I am reposing, that site allow republishing our own content.. That's why I am doing it.

more than 200 post i have done. Actually my blog does not contain article. My blog is just wallpapers.

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

Okay... May be that's why you were able to post more.. You have choose good topic then.

WE can post as many post as you want there is no limit and there is no rules that we should blog on sundays. its a suggestion that hte people who are busy with their office work may not have time to spare time so they can do bloging on sundays as on sundays is holiday they can spend time on blogging.

Sasi i used to post more than 200posts perday

200 posts/day is too much. :ohmy:

If i start doing it then i think i will have to say good bye to boddunan. :laugh:
Ha ha.. SJ she explained that mostly she only upload pics.. so that will not take more time.

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