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I like to spend my time in coridor and even balcony. but the place where my house located is near a slum. so i cannot spend time there

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

Very often, corridors are picturised as symbols of sorrow, frustrations etc.....and it's darkness and endless passage..also no alternate paths, give its viewers the intensity of such emotions.

Meera sandhu
sandhya i didnt understood what you saying. why they are picturised for such negative things only. Can't we be happily spend our time in corridor or balcony

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

sandhya i didnt understood what you saying. why they are picturised for such negative things only. Can't we be happily spend our time in corridor or balcony

Am saying about poems and films
They are not seen as the signs of happiness. That's why I told 'Endless corridor'

Meera sandhu
It's my dream to make my dream home giving name, "Idanazhy". I don't know when it will come true. i have already told my hubby, I have selected name for my home. It's 100% sure, no home in Kerala own such a mad name!!!

Meera sandhu
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