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congratulations sasi you entered top ten list and I am in 7th in the list. even am feeling happy

But you are also a little bit lazy :angry:
When are you going to complete 10000 posts

Meera sandhu
Congrats Sasi for acheiving a place in top 10. :) That is remarkable. :)

I see Sandhya who will reach who is to eneter the lsit soon. :)
10000 posts is surely not an easy task.. Ha ha for me , its still long way..

dear sandhya, am not lazy. I have lot responsibities in my home which i need to perform. Due those I am not able to work much in boddunan now a days.

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

10000 posts is surely not an easy task.. Ha ha for me , its still long way..

I am to complete 5000 posts in 2.5 months. If so, how many days will be needed to become an emperor? :P

Meera sandhu
10000 posts is surely not an easy task.. Ha ha for me , its still long way..

Don't worry then write articles as you would be able to collect more points for an article. :woohoo: :woohoo:

But really its tough to reach 10k post i think it will take an year for me to reach there. :) :woohoo:
10000 posts is surely not an easy task.. Ha ha for me , its still long way..

I am to complete 5000 posts in 2.5 months. If so, how many days will be needed to become an emperor? :P

How much points needed for that?! :whistle: Don't know about you and others, but it going to be hard for me to get that much points..

@SJ.. Same here.. :laugh:

10000 posts is surely not an easy task.. Ha ha for me , its still long way..

I am to complete 5000 posts in 2.5 months. If so, how many days will be needed to become an emperor? :P

I know you Sandya the way you are going here you will break all records like Sachin broke in cricket. :woohoo:
0005ff_2012-03-24.gif (You do not have access to download this file.)
Ha ha... You mean we will going to have a record breaker.. !! Yes she can surely reach on top in short time.

yes, sandhya will be the topper soon over here.

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

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