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May be. I dont have much idea about it. I suggest you to concern any of our senior members. If you didnt get any correct answer then you keep a message to admin then he will look after it and tell what to do

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

Sanjeev Better ask for Isha as she got check for rs 850 she will give correct answer for this.

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sanjeev do as sasikanth said you to ask isha about the process.

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

Sanjeev check for revenue sharing I think two or three got check below 1000 rs.

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Sanjeev reason means why you want to get cheque at 750 and what is your need and all

:woohoo: If i say my reason is that i want money.Is it not sufficient? :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo:

:laugh: I think its enough.. But isn't minimum payout is 1500 RS. :huh:

Yes minimum payout is 1500 only if you want urgent money when you reached 750 you can ask for check.

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Yes minimum payout is 1500 only if you want urgent money when you reached 750 you can ask for check.

But my first cheque was released at 1313 :woohoo: even before I asked

Meera sandhu
yes, may be admin has passed the cheque without thinking about minimum balance and impressed by your work

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

Yes minimum payout is 1500 only if you want urgent money when you reached 750 you can ask for check.

But my first cheque was released at 1313 :woohoo: even before I asked

Even i think admin is impressed by you and he tried to motivate you by this. :laugh:
yes, sanjeev, you are right. Admin got impressed by sandhya, So he sent her cheque less than 1500.

This is really good achievement of her

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

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