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Government is planning to convert post offices in to malty utility offices soon and most of the employees would be fully utilized in future.

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Government is planning to convert post offices in to malty utility offices soon and most of the employees would be fully utilized in future.

Can you give a little more idea?

Meera sandhu
They are going to convert them in to full fledged bank and other utility centers. I shall provide detailed info about that later.

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They are going to convert them in to full fledged bank and other utility centers. I shall provide detailed info about that later.

Ok :)

Meera sandhu
I forgot to mention, they shall recruit computer experts through Indian postal services to manage those utility centers.

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I think, work of a postman has decreased very much nowadays and in future he may be counted along with endangered species? :laugh:
Am I not right? If not, can you find other jobs in government sector, where employees don't need to work hard or his work load has been reduced considerably?

Linemen of telephone exchange also have less work as these days mobiles are more prominent. :)

But they have work yaar...because people are using BSNL internet nowadays

But they have less work than they used to have in the past when there were not much of mobiles. :)
But in past there wasn't much Broad bank too... So I guess it makes it equal..

I thing area councilors are having very less work comparing to others. :)

There is no scope for stenographers and Telegraph staff in view of computer and internet.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

There is no scope for stenographers and Telegraph staff in view of computer and internet.

Yes, we have really forgotten Telegraph staff. Actually what are they doing now??

Meera sandhu
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