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These words indicate and means that every one has a two face one is external and other is internal.Internal face is your behaviours.this indicate how good you are.
But in real, in our life we have 2 faces. when we are kids we have one face and when we are adult we have one face. :):):)

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

this we say because God has made us and left on the earth blank but we have learned all the bad things and have become totally different from what God made us. :)
its because god gave us a natural face that we called a natural beauty but with as we grow up sometimes are parents for making us look good put make-up on our face and when we are little more grown up we ourself put a lot make up on our face and then the natural face is hidden somewhere behind the mask of artificial beauty.. :P :P
ok that was a quite funny reply.
now the serious explanation-
actually god has given all of us a pure heart.but when we took birth on the earth and as we grow up we adopt certain qualities by that is said that god has given you one face.and the next line that is you make yourself another is said in this context that we on the basis of different qualities which we have gain, start behaving according to them.
it can be also said in this manner that sometimes we behave good infront of others but at heart we have bad feelings for them so that is also called two faced.

When God made man initially he never knew that this world would create so many problems for him, besides God did not make all human equal also so some thought it to make their own ways.

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Yes God has given us one face we make in to two for making money in this cruel world.

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So that is human tendency no one can help it. This can only change when we think alike and that is not possible.

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Yes God has given us one face we make in to two for making money in this cruel world.

But that is the reality as God never made money but we made money and made it so important that nothing can't be done without it. :evil:
yes, money is the main thing for every activity we need to perform

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

People really becomes mad to earn money they do everything good or bad for money. :evil:
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