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What I feel is that the people who do not get chance to talk while awake, they talk while sleeping.

What you do in the day, you do in dream also. Every one talks in dream. But no body knows what he is talking in his dream. But some talk in dream so loud that people around hear what he talks in dream. This is indeed alarming. Some even walk when sleeping. When awake, they do not even remember that they walked in sleep.

This is a medical problem. Such persons should get medical advice and treatment.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

I am aware about this problem, this is kind of sleep disorder, nothing else. This is not as dangerous as walking while sleeping but they may talk some secrets out.

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I speak sometimes when i am in deep sleep this is what my wife says.I don't remember if i speak while sleeping.

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Because of stress and and tension..
May be they talking in dreams but louder.. :laugh: :laugh:
They dont know they are talking in real life. :dry:
0511-1001-1018-1567.jpg (You do not have access to download this file.)

May be they talking in dreams but louder.. :laugh: :laugh:
They dont know they are talking in real life. :dry:

{CJATTACHMENT ["id": 6232]}
Like this....thinking about some goals of life
Ha ha

Meera sandhu
For talking while sleeping, there may be many reasons like

Sleep disturbance
Not properly slept.
Work tension
Normal tension
worry etc

Even my father sometimes, in the middle of the sleep shouts so loudly. In dream he see his dad and some time he get a dream that some thief is attacking him. so for such reason he shout.

Once my brother woke in the middle and said some black boats person is going on go and catch. Actually he is in sleep but he is doing actions in real.

Therefore, people talk while sleeping is due to stress and over thinking and over tensions

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

Simple because they don't get a chance to speak up when they are not sleeping. :woohoo:
For talking while sleeping, there may be many reasons like

Sleep disturbance
Not properly slept.
Work tension
Normal tension
worry etc

Even my father sometimes, in the middle of the sleep shouts so loudly. In dream he see his dad and some time he get a dream that some thief is attacking him. so for such reason he shout.

Once my brother woke in the middle and said some black boats person is going on go and catch. Actually he is in sleep but he is doing actions in real.

Therefore, people talk while sleeping is due to stress and over thinking and over tensions

I wonder if, only men talk while sleeping.....women won't do????? :unsure:
Anyone please clear my doubt

Meera sandhu
For talking while sleeping, there may be many reasons like

Sleep disturbance
Not properly slept.
Work tension
Normal tension
worry etc

Even my father sometimes, in the middle of the sleep shouts so loudly. In dream he see his dad and some time he get a dream that some thief is attacking him. so for such reason he shout.

Once my brother woke in the middle and said some black boats person is going on go and catch. Actually he is in sleep but he is doing actions in real.

Therefore, people talk while sleeping is due to stress and over thinking and over tensions

I wonder if, only men talk while sleeping.....women won't do????? :unsure:
Anyone please clear my doubt

I also have not seen any female talking while asleep. May be they get tired of talking full day so they don't speak while sleeping. :woohoo:
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