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because of work pressure they will talk while sleeping. Also somebody speaks because of dreams.. :laugh: :laugh:

Do you speak?
I think, they can speak only if they don't get sound sleep. Isn't it?

i dont speak while im sleeping, but my room-met & my mom use to speak they says that day they are very tired.

I also don't speak while I am sleeping.

Sleep-talking by itself is harmless; however, it can wake up others and cause them consternation—especially when misinterpreted as conscious speech by an observer.

Be positive
If someone has spend whole day in stress and tension, he/ she may start talking even in sleep.
Don't know the reason.. But we having one person at our family who used to speak plus walk in the sleep too.. ha ha

One of my friends talks even shouts in dream and it is a disturbance to others.
One of my friends talks even shouts in dream and it is a disturbance to others.

Thiefs won't come at night....full security of home :laugh: :cheer:

Meera sandhu
One of my friends talks even shouts in dream and it is a disturbance to others.

Thiefs won't come at night....full security of home [/quote]
Yes it is true ,night guard is not required.
One of my friends talks even shouts in dream and it is a disturbance to others.

Thiefs won't come at night....full security of home

Yes it is true ,night guard is not required.[/quote]

My father is doing fire works business. One worker was there named 'sunny'(not our sunny :P ).
He talks whole night that no one can sleep well. He says comments like....." Give fire to 'Amittu', tie that crackers, have you dig holes, take rope, why are you so late......." etc......the whole night..... :P (particularly before/after fireworks in any temple/church) :laugh: :laugh:

Meera sandhu
Yes this is a kind of illness and about 25 % of people have that habit.I hear a 2-3 cases about this illness.This is due to the lots of mental pressure.
What I feel is that the people who do not get chance to talk while awake, they talk while sleeping.

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