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Look like you having good knowledge about his life.. you should surely go for an article. Best of luck.

Apart from being a brilliant cricketer, he is known to be loving reading books and a thinking person. His Bradman memorial lecture was a thundering success!

Yes. Still, I don't want him to part :(
I think, he can stay for at least 1 year more

Meera sandhu
Apart from being a brilliant cricketer, he is known to be loving reading books and a thinking person. His Bradman memorial lecture was a thundering success!

Yes. Still, I don't want him to part :(
I think, he can stay for at least 1 year more

I think its too late now.. I just seen in news that he took leave from TEST cricket too.. :(

Now we can only see him in IPL.

He has 48 centuries in his carrier, I read through newspaper. He should have completed the fifty mark before his retirement :(
Once again, he proved himself to be a perfect gentleman :)

Meera sandhu
Ya this is very sad news. Dravid is one of the best test cricketter in indian team. I dont know why He suddenly taken this decision. If he taken this decision because of pressure based on australia's match performance. His decision is wrong. If he taken this decision by own then it is Ok., but any way we are going to miss a very good talented batsman. :(

No this is the not right time to retire as India is suffering with lot of failures he must set a good platform for India but one time failure he taken that decision.

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Rahul is a great cricketer and his contribution is great to Indian cricket.
This is the right time to quit with great prestige.
Yes I will surely agree with you he is called as wall of indian cricket. I am a great fan for his concentration when he is batting.

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No this is the not right time to retire as India is suffering with lot of failures he must set a good platform for India but one time failure he taken that decision.

Absolutely right!!! :)
His retirement only cannot prove good to Indian team.

Meera sandhu
He has 48 centuries in his carrier, I read through newspaper. He should have completed the fifty mark before his retirement :(
Once again, he proved himself to be a perfect gentleman :)

48 centuries in tests and ODI together.. Yes he should have complete it. But now no hopes..

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