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Almost all sites are having such non active group of users.. Nobody can do anything about it.

It's important to set some goals and then go about achieving them in a methodical manners! I know there are many members who have accounts in other social networking site but have done precious little in these sites. Only a number - no more no less!!
Yes Anand they will join in the site to earn some money but they will get bored of doing hardwork so they leave.

We cannot change them.

Earn money just for joining in this site.

At least active users like us can change the flow.. He he. Hope we get some more active users.. These days I am feeling the forum is very active. Great.

We need some more active users to the site so that we can earn some thing with them.

Earn money just for joining in this site.

Yes.. That will be good for site too .. Personally I tried to get some members. I able to bring one member too, but I don't think he is active at all.

We can take horse to water but we cannot make it to drink. This is also like that only.

Earn money just for joining in this site.

Yes .. Its all up to them.. I had tried to explain everything about here, but I wonder why he is not still active.

Leave them and continue if we continue we can get some earnings which makes us satisfy.

Earn money just for joining in this site.

Yes.. That's what I am doing. I am coming here whenever I get some free time. From the office too.. he he

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