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exams why they come.i hate exams.but then too all the best for your exams.i also have to give 3 exams in next coming 3 months.

I have 4 subjects exam which starts from 25th April,then one Big MAjor Presentation of 200 Marks.
0039_2012-04-06.gif (You do not have access to download this file.)

Want to make each day Accountable

exams why they come.i hate exams.but then too all the best for your exams.i also have to give 3 exams in next coming 3 months.

I have 4 subjects exam which starts from 25th April,then one Big MAjor Presentation of 200 Marks.

My head is spinning!!
{CJATTACHMENT ["id": 6562]}
Already, boddunan has reached to 10k membership. It is a great success. We have to wait how boddunan give treat to his members.
@Ronark.. Best of luck for you exam.. We can have long discussion here after that ;) .. Do you best in exam.

In forum section so that we can have a funny fight with words.
ayyo_2012-04-06.gif (You do not have access to download this file.)

Earn money just for joining in this site.

In forum section so that we can have a funny fight with words.

John Cena!
{CJATTACHMENT ["id": 6569]}
Congratulations to the boddunan team for achieving this milestone.
Registered members are more but active members are less.Admin should look after this.
Registered members are more but active members are less.Admin should look after this.

Its not a big thing every site has this problem :) .People just register on sites to think they will become millionaire in few days but when they see that they will have to work to earn they go away. :evil: :evil:
Registered members are more but active members are less.Admin should look after this.

Its not a big thing every site has this problem :) .People just register on sites to think they will become millionaire in few days but when they see that they will have to work to earn they go away. :evil: :evil:

It is true some start with such feelings and get disappointed very soon to leave the site!
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