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Where is Maverick he is absent for two days when he is there means we can have a party.

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even i didnt saw the admin online.atleast he should have came online not for giving bonus but for celebrating with us.

May be he has gone on leave to buy gifts for all of us. :woohoo:
Yes he must come to online once and say some thing about this goal.

Earn money just for joining in this site.

Yes he must come to online once and say some thing about this goal.

PM him may be he will come here and discuss about it. :woohoo:
Did he became online yesterday evening.. Didn't notice him!

no he was not online yesterday.if he would have he must have said something about the 10k figure.

In that case he may tell about it today... Hope so.
000203FB_2012-04-05.gif (You do not have access to download this file.)

Where is Maverick?
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from yesterday we are hoping only and dont know for how long we have to hope.the wait still goes on and on...

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