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I am sure we shall, the way we are adapting to habits of people of developed countries, I am sure we shall learn them too.

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2 days back i went to pondicherry every place i visited all place are really clean and the government taking full care for cleanliness.

People are even taking initiative and doing cleaning on their own. I am sure people are getting to know the value of the same.

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But there are some people who first act as if they are really good and even they act as younger person though they are much older persons, but later they will show their real character and they even make alot of loss to others who trusted them. Actually such character persons should be ashamed of themselves as they feel jealous and make loss to others. I feel such persons are cowards.They cannot take anything challenge and win the person who is winning and they will try to destroy the hardwork of hardworkers

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

I think when there will be everywhere garbage and it would be sifficult even to breathe
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