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Blogging is not only your personal blog on a blloger account, may sites also call them blogs.

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Thanks for the information.

What is personal Blog?Is it something related to our personal lives?

Suny i am trying hard to write articles but as you know i am not a good writer so finding it hard to select a topic and content.That's the reason i most of the time try to write something about my personal life experiences.
Thanks for the information.

What is personal Blog?Is it something related to our personal lives?

Suny i am trying hard to write articles but as you know i am not a good writer so finding it hard to select a topic and content.That's the reason i most of the time try to write something about my personal life experiences.

Very good information shared about blogs.

@ Sanjeev, Writing article is very easy only we need to know the full details about what topic we are selecting. We can write articles on any topic. So, its very easy here.

You are absolutely right, writing is all about your experiences of life and knowledge sharing. Some do it professionally while others philosophically.

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@ Vinodh and Suny: Thanks! :)

Will try to write some more articles.Suny your articles have always been so inspirational for me whenever i read your articles i always think of writing some at least for 2 days but then forget after 2 days. :laugh:

BTW trying hands on it.Wish me luck. :)
Now I will remind you two days later, hope you will get published some of them by then, all the best.

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Hey the best will be create your own blog and earn from it. Whereas there are some more site which offer money for writing articles for their site.

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Thanks for the information.

What is personal Blog?Is it something related to our personal lives?

Suny i am trying hard to write articles but as you know i am not a good writer so finding it hard to select a topic and content.That's the reason i most of the time try to write something about my personal life experiences.

You can write on your personal experiences too.... :)

Meera sandhu
Yes sure I am working on one on Shimla trip that we did in January this year while it was snowing a lot.

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Hope so i will do it professionaly some day as i think it is always better to present it professionaly.
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