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Soumyadeep it is better to discuss such stuffs in private message or in groups rather than discussing this here in forums. Boddunanis a paid site and you want to know about other sites is bit odd. Kindly find information from Google.
Its good to know that there are some other indian sites available for writing articles. But, i dont think that is as good as our boddunan site. As here we have many options to earn. :)

Its good to know that there are some other indian sites available for writing articles. But, i dont think that is as good as our boddunan site. As here we have many options to earn. :)

I also find boddunan to be better than any other article writing site as payment terms are different there you are paid for the hits unlike here due to which its not easy to get views for your article. :)
Its good to know that there are some other indian sites available for writing articles. But, i dont think that is as good as our boddunan site. As here we have many options to earn. :)

I also find boddunan to be better than any other article writing site as payment terms are different there you are paid for the hits unlike here due to which its not easy to get views for your article. :)

I am on many US sites who pay out right and some sites where they pay per view basis. I also write on contract basis to be paid once they check the articles for plagiarism. You know our TP is writing the same and making about 20$ per day.

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Sunil who is tp is he is your friend or your wife. :( :(

Earn money just for joining in this site.

Yes TP having good site their.. But unfortunately I just couldn't understand those sites at all.. And also I don't think I am still a good writer that someone from such sites can approve my article.

Yes TP having good site their.. But unfortunately I just couldn't understand those sites at all.. And also I don't think I am still a good writer that someone from such sites can approve my article.

I did some thing worth $2 on one such sites and $1.75 on another with in last 2 days apart from my regular writing jobs.

I love this free image hosting site for sharing my work

Yes TP having good site their.. But unfortunately I just couldn't understand those sites at all.. And also I don't think I am still a good writer that someone from such sites can approve my article.

I did some thing worth $2 on one such sites and $1.75 on another with in last 2 days apart from my regular writing jobs.

So how did it went..? Is it easy to get job their? I have tried in past but never got any.. :whistle:

Yes TP having good site their.. But unfortunately I just couldn't understand those sites at all.. And also I don't think I am still a good writer that someone from such sites can approve my article.

I did some thing worth $2 on one such sites and $1.75 on another with in last 2 days apart from my regular writing jobs.

So how did it went..? Is it easy to get job their? I have tried in past but never got any.. :whistle:

Anand i have not tried for these sites too because i don't concentrate much on the online earnings but seriously i am now getting interest in writing articles. :)
So how did it went..? Is it easy to get job their? I have tried in past but never got any.. :whistle:[/quote]

Anand i have not tried for these sites too because i don't concentrate much on the online earnings but seriously i am now getting interest in writing articles. :)[/quote]
Good for you and good for me. Keep it up. :laugh:

I love this free image hosting site for sharing my work

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