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13 years ago
Anna agenda continues and this will. He has no strategy, no organization and mere slogan mongering corrupt ex bureaucrats and frustrated cops. He says that he will continue after 2014. A movement does not run oin prefixed time table.
Corruption is deep rooted. Most citizens of India are corrupt. even 1000 Lok Pals can do nothing because you cannot find 'honest' lok pals.
Corruption is deep rooted. Most citizens of India are corrupt. even 1000 Lok Pals can do nothing because you cannot find 'honest' lok pals.
G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant
13 years ago
you are right Gulshanji. The link you provides tell us the present status about anna hazares next plan
Slow and Steady Wins the Race.
Thank you said by: Gulshan Kumar Ajmani
13 years ago
Oh! Friends I don't want this anymore. This is too much. Fasting on daily basis is of no use. Awareness in mind of people is more important.
13 years ago
Oh! Friends I don't want this anymore. This is too much. Fasting on daily basis is of no use. Awareness in mind of people is more important.
Fasting only affects your health and no more. People awareness is okay. But who are people. The corrupt babus in offices, the profiteering dishonest and cheating shop keepers, the students indulging in mass copying- all these are people. These corrupt people crowd ar anna hazare meeting and shout- Bharat mata ki jai. Is this not meaningless?
G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant
13 years ago
yes he will surely because he is a man who has a lot of experience
13 years ago
Anna Hazare says that he will lose deposit if he fights an election. This is true about the entire Anna team.
Anna says that people can be easily lured by offer of money and wine. If so, people or the voters are corrupt. How will corrupt voters elect honest politicians. What is the use of blaming politicians when voters are corrupt.
Anna says that people can be easily lured by offer of money and wine. If so, people or the voters are corrupt. How will corrupt voters elect honest politicians. What is the use of blaming politicians when voters are corrupt.
G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant
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