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I often had dreams.But those dreams did not come true.So I don't believe in dreams.

May be because you are forgetting those dreams :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:

Meera sandhu
my dream now is to build a good house. My Iam residing in a rental house. :silly: :silly: :silly:
my dream now is to build a good house. My Iam residing in a rental house. :silly: :silly: :silly:

I hope you shall be able to fulfill your dream too soon as the one who dreams has the capability to complete them.

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I see lots of dreams. I live in dreamland. I love to be there because I know I have freedom to do anything in my dreams. I am waiting to see my dreams becoming true.
My theory says that the one who dreams and works toward having them fulfilled has better chances to get success.

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Its an old saying that dreams of the morning come true. :dry: And many have experienced this to be true. Do you know most of the people have dreams in black and white and lesser people have colorful dreams. So whats your type?

Live in the present :)
Its an old saying that dreams of the morning come true. :dry: And many have experienced this to be true. Do you know most of the people have dreams in black and white and lesser people have colorful dreams. So whats your type?

No- dreams have no color and morning dreams coming true have only one possibility that you can remember only a few dreams out of those which you see every night.

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Its an old saying that dreams of the morning come true. :dry: And many have experienced this to be true. Do you know most of the people have dreams in black and white and lesser people have colorful dreams. So whats your type?

No- dreams have no color and morning dreams coming true have only one possibility that you can remember only a few dreams out of those which you see every night.

I read a recent survey that says a very less percentage of people have colored dreams. And we forget about 80% of our dreams by the time we wake up and gain full consciousness.

Recently a machine was developed in Japan that has a slot to fit in the image/picture of any individual you want to dream about. And if you sleep with the machine connected to your head you will dream will have the person whose picture has been fitted in. ;)

Live in the present :)
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