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Hmm I live in Punjab that is too far......... from the south India So how can I meet to you?
[quote]Hmm I live in Punjab that is too far......... from the south India So how can I meet to you? [/quote]

Well, someone will visit Punjab someday or you can visit South India some day! :)

"I am free of all prejudice. I hate everyone equally."
- W. C. Fields :)

I like to visit all the members who are my friends. and I want to give a small party to them and give gifts to them

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

I like to meet all our boddunan friends. Everyone!!! :cheer:

why dont we have a get together somewhere ??!!:-o

[quote]All are welcome! Not only Swetha

Sandhya, I hope you really mean it, because I will take this very seriously and indeed end up at your doorstep!! :) :) :)[/quote]
You are always welcome. Actually, when are you coming? :woohoo:

Meera sandhu
One idea let arrange party in all major city ie kolkata,Delhi,Visac and so on .yearly once in one city and we will attend and meet with all.
suggestion of Gulshanji is good. If I will go any where I will sure inform to him of that city, if you don't mind.
I am thinking.... :whistle: Why can't each one of us give our contact details and phone number to at least one member of forum? Even if we have to say good bye or disappear suddenly , it would be easy for that friend to track the details and give the details to other members. What is your opinion? Tell me

Meera sandhu
[quote]Kalyani Nandurkar wrote:
All are welcome! Not only Swetha

Sandhya, I hope you really mean it, because I will take this very seriously and indeed end up at your doorstep!!

You are always welcome. Actually, when are you coming?

Thank you Sandhya! :) Probably next year! :(

"I am free of all prejudice. I hate everyone equally."
- W. C. Fields :)

Hmmm it can be dangerous dear as all are not kind as we can think. I am not raising a question on all . Becasue to whom I know are very humorous persons here but may be new joiners can use it in wrong way.

You are right and sound very pragmatic. Very sensible of you to sound a word of caution! thanks!
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