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Wax in ears also will help us in many ways. Due to this dust will not go in to the ear. But it also must be in limited quantity otherwise problem is started.

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can you explain how wax helps........

Smriti I already told to you in above thread which wont allow dust in to ears and some insects when you are in sleep.

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where do you get Medical shops??????Are they fully safe......

Cotton ear buds are available in the market that is medical shops too. We cannot trust they are safe as in this forum they have mentioned that cotton buds are made of waste cotton wash. this is really horrible to hear

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

As we cannot believe on the cotton buds available in the market .It is better to make it by own for health consciousness.
yes, isha you have given a nice idea. Its good to prepare on our own with fresh cotton.

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

I think I saw this article or news item some where before, thanks for reminding in such a detailed way. Yes we should be much more careful while using cotton buds and go for only big companies like Johnson.

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hello newcomer....welcome to our group.
Actually what's your name?
Are you from Tamil nadu?

Meera sandhu
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