Please do not show sympathy to people selling buds on roadside or at Signals. Just wanted to warn you people not to buy those packs of ear-buds you get at the roadside.

-----> It's made from cotton that has already been used in hospitals.. They take all the dirty, blood- and pus-filled cotton, wash it, bleach it and use it to make ear buds. So, unless you want to become the first person in the world to get Herpes Zoster Oticus (a viral infection of the inner, middle, and external ear) of the ear and that too from a cotton bud, DON'T BUY THEM!!

Please forward to all this may be helpful for someone
Please forward to all your near and dear ones....!!

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Yes, I have read it before. Cotton from hospitals sterilized and used for making ear buds.
We should always use best quality ones, from shops, not from roadside.

Actually, ear buds can also cause harm to our ears. It pushes ear wax backwards.

Meera sandhu
Every thing is same whether in shops or road side. We cannot do anything but not buying it.

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Nice things shared Sasi, I also used it of Johnson company.
I think the one that come from Johnson's is a good ear local ones cannot be trusted upon......we can find another alternative instead of the ear buds.......

Oh my God. am using those.This is really unbelievable. But its a fact. I will avoid to use them

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

Yes Sasi you are right about this point.I too work in a Hospital for about Two years in my early Years.They throw cotton that is used by them and many poor child are collect all that cotton.They are forced by an organisation who Take control over this situation.I read this Thing around one years Ago.You always prefer to use ear buds from Reputated Medical store.
We had not seen how Johnson's buds are made. Can we trust that one or not.

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But this is really bad to know. Most of the people don't know about this. So what about them. How they will know.

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

This is the information must be known to all as this is very important point that should be keep in mind while travelling.
It is better not to use any ear buds. There is only wax in ears, which is essential. It will be better to see an ENT specialist doctor periodically if there is any problem with ears.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

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