Often, our decisions at last moment can give us unexpected happiness and success.
Do share such experiences of your life.

Meera sandhu
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Yes I have face this situation one time we were two person assigned one task in office which was so tedious we tried solution three days contineous at last we ware tired and feel us to failed for that problem but last time when my friend say me to leave this work then I was going to leave then At last I said him let us try last time then he agree and both given effort best to get result for last one hours and finally result came and we were much more happiest person in the world at that moment.

Santosh Kumar Singh



Really great! Hoping other members also post such good experiences.

Meera sandhu
I take decisions well in time and normally do not change unless some fresh development or cause appears. The last moment decision may be good or bad. If good, this will definitely give unexpected happiness otherwise this may also cause misery.

Last minute decision is advantageous in one respect. You have option to decide any way till last moment. Even last minute decision will need careful advance thought about alternative courses.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

I can say My marriage was a really a last minute decision.But its going yoo well :laugh:

I can say My marriage was a really a last minute decision.But its going yoo well :laugh:

Can you explain about this most important event occurred in your life? :cheer:

Meera sandhu
Yes I faced this some times when we are palying cricket there is less chance of winning us because we lost half of wickets but me and another friend tried hard and we won the match.

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yes My Marriage happened within 6 days......I and my Husband, both of us had neither seen each other nor had we ever interacted......it was a pure parental decision from both side......and I was not ok with it.......as i preferred meeting him before getting married.......

However with half-hearted I just left everything on destiny........and it showered its blessings on me.....We 2 get along with each other quite well.......and I am quite fond of him, you can say....... :) :) :) :)

All is well that ends well.........

Marriage in 6 days :woohoo: I can't believe.
Can you say, why it was done so?

Meera sandhu
Decision at last moment will always like win or loss. in my job i have to take my last decision. i have to inspect the garments which supplier has produced. if the quality of the product is not good then, i have to take last minute decision of passing the goods are rejecting the goods. if i pass, then claim from buyer will come after 3-4 months. if we reject supplier needs to ship the goods by air. so,i make a final decision. normally i decide to pass the goods under my risk. it will be always thrill. Upto now still no goods has been came back for the last 8 years. :lol:

Really good Vinod.

But in my life, hasty decisions had never brought me good luck. :woohoo:
It always have caused disasters. :laugh:

Meera sandhu
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