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This is very good topic for a article just write a article on this topic you too got cash.

As you are saying...Ok I will try.

Meera sandhu
Earlier before joining boddunan. I will spend my time on facebook with chatting when im alone. Now after joining, i will be active on forum or write article when i was alone.

I am alone only during sleep. I get very frightening and bizarre dreams that do not let me remain alone.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

I think it is good to have a few spells of loneliness in one's life that help us in throwing a deep insight into our selves!!
I think it is good to have a few spells of loneliness in one's life that help us in throwing a deep insight into our selves!!

Yes. At that time, there is no need for us to act :laugh: :laugh:

Meera sandhu
Can any one say when a person become lonely. :( :(

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when you feel that for a time frame, there is no one around whom you can reach out to, you feel lonely........

Can any one say when a person become lonely. :( :(

"Loneliness is the most beautiful thing if we choose ourselves to be alone.
But is the most painful thing if gifted by others or some dearest one" :)
In both cases you can become lonely. :)

Meera sandhu
Sandhya as you told it is beautiful and dangerous also a person can become mad aloso.

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When i am in the office i was alone and this was a best time for me.
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