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When am alone, I like to make the surrounding as i like. a new world which contains the things of all my favorites.

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

Now a days when I was alone trying to prepare articles for Boddunan.

Earn money just for joining in this site.

I look to do extra works which remain pending due to bus schedule fr whole week.
Now a days when I was alone trying to prepare articles for Boddunan.

Sasi, tell me. Has she gone at least now?

Meera sandhu
Sandhya is making fun on sassi as his ife is not present this time with him.
Sandhya is making fun on sassi as his ife is not present this time with him.

He has been telling us for the past one month that she is going :laugh: :laugh:
At last, she went to her home 2 days before their wedding anniversary.
Today, he is on leave.
Ummmmmmmmm, I can understand :P :laugh:
When will he return? :whistle:

Meera sandhu
When i was alone i will try to watch cartoons. It gives peace to my mind and make me happy:-)

Sandhya Rani its very true its the best time when you are alone because at time you think about your some memories and also get time for God, nature.
Vikas ,Sandhya will get anger. Don't call her rani as she already requested many times in different forum.
Am I right Sandhya?
Vikas ,Sandhya will get anger. Don't call her rani as she already requested many times in different forum.
Am I right Sandhya?

What a memory!!!!!Really great :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

Meera sandhu
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