Is IQ level of a child born now more than a child born 15-20 years back? If so, isn't it a positive sign that the world is more developing in its culture and civilization?

Meera sandhu
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[quote]Is IQ level of a child born now more than a child born 15-20 years back? If so, isn't it a positive sign that the world is more developing in its culture and civilization?[/quote]
I think you are right. Before 15 or 20 years back we did not get T.v. or Mobile or pc, now after birth a child see or get all these things.
It is true that the IQ level of children is now much more than previous generations, thanks to exposure to all kinds of information systems and easy access to a lot of educational material! Yet sadly, the EQ level or the emotional intelligence is decreasing because of which the children are having a hard time to adapt and adjust to others as normal human beings!

"I am free of all prejudice. I hate everyone equally."
- W. C. Fields :)

Earlier, children used to spend most time with family members and children of neighbourhood to attain most of their learning through short stories or activities. But now, computer is the playground for children and the remaining, what they need, they get it from Cartoon channels. So they are less mingling with others which is gradually decreasing their emotional attachment with other people.

Meera sandhu
That's absolutely correct,Kalyani! It's exposure to the all kinds of information through various media that seems to create this illusory notion that today's kids score better in terms of IQ -may be they are ostensibly a lot smarter than their counterparts some years back.It won't be wise to generalise!
[quote]Earlier, children used to spend most time with family members and children of neighbourhood to attain most of their learning through short stories or activities. But now, computer is the playground for children and the remaining, what they need, they get it from Cartoon channels. So they are less mingling with others which is gradually decreasing their emotional attachment with other people. [/quote]

Its not about emotional attachment only. Emotional intelligence refers to one's ability to receive and accept negative emotions and react to those, something that they are having a hard time to deal with, mainly because parents never say NO to any of their demands. Also, a reason why we see so many incidents of spurned teenagers attacking the girls who refused their advances! That is what I mean by emotional intelligence! These children are getting increased attention from parents and grandparents, to the contrary, because now mostly for only one child there are two sets of grandparents, so there is no dearth of emotional attachment here!

"I am free of all prejudice. I hate everyone equally."
- W. C. Fields :)

The influence of visual media on our kids has been so huge that is leading to a kind of 'robotic' personality in their formative years which even psychologists confirm!
[quote]That's absolutely correct,Kalyani! It's exposure to the all kinds of information through various media that seems to create this illusory notion that today's kids score better in terms of IQ -may they are ostensibly a lot smarter than their counterparts some years back.It won't be wise to generalise![/quote]

Very true Chinmoy, you have summarized it perfectly well. But nowadays, it is sad that oparents focus only on getting their children to score more marks and to make them more competitive and aggressive rather than a sensitive and assertive person. Another example of such an attitude is increased road rage incidents and addiction to drugs and substances at a very young age!

"I am free of all prejudice. I hate everyone equally."
- W. C. Fields :)

One or two years back an incident occured in Kerala which shocked everybody. A little boy, below 10 years, only one son of a poor couple, hanged himself to death only because his mother scolded him when he didn't take Horlicks milk. That boy couldn't even tolerate his mother's scoldings.

Meera sandhu
To my mind the way kids are being brought up today, innocence is the greatest casualty! Simple joy is missing in their lives at the graveyard of expectations making them more prone to dpression and worse at the dawn of adulthood!
Sandhya this is a very sad news and today's children are very much advanced.They need proper education.Don't let them free to learn from TV and cinema.
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