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Its really bad to hear such a bad news in the early morning. Thank God for there is no Tsunami which is still more life threatening.
Yes the japan people is happy for not having the tsunami.They thanked god.

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yes, japan people should be thankful to god that they didnt have tsunami. but there is thread of tsunami soon

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

no sarala there is no threat up to now.They are in safe position now.

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sarala you have written thread instead of threat please correct it.

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But nowadays the occurance of natural calamity is quite frequent and unexpected.
The japan had taken steps to face the tsunami so they cleared the people near the coast.

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I think thats a good move. They have good experience with tsunami.So I think they will be able to defend.
thats great to know that japan took a imitative by clearing people at the coast

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

Japan have been the favourite target for natural calamities but it is threatening to its neighbouring countries as well.
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