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I think Japan is situated,where we see major movements in the plates,beneath the earth in the core. they experience frequent earthquakes. Some are major ones,like we saw on 1st January.

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Japan has shown it's resilience time and again, after tsunamui, nation again was on path of progress so am sure, Japanu would soon emerge a winner again.
Japans strength is more when compared with other countries they built the roads after tsunami in 7 days.How they developed.

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They are people who deals with the technology. Technology gives them the strength to built anything quickly.

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Japan people are really hard working. They are not facing it for the first time. They have repeated experience. They are people who do maximum research. They play with science and technology.So its not great for them.
Yes they will become a mighty power than america they like to play with science'

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Ya they will surely compete with america but this sort of natural calamity does not allow it to occur.
Yes they will become a mighty power than america they like to play with science'

Sasikanth, you are right, Japan will soon be overtaking some of the leading nations when it comes to development.
I agree with sasi.

Japanese people were very strong.
Twenty percent of the world's earthquakes take place in Japan.
Japan remains a traditional society with strong social and string employment.
Japanese were really hardworking people.

Be positive
yes, I too agree with sasikanth, japanese are really strong recently in 2011 earth quake occured now again. But i want to know what is the wrong with their country why they get earth quakes regulary? can any one explain and clear my doubt please?

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