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Yes these type of threads should be deleted and Administration will take the decision.
I haven't had a comprehensive look at them and I presume quite a good number of them losing their relevance now!
admin should delete or remove this type of thread from this forum section.
Admin must take care of this noreply forums.When this was deleted we can have new forums in that place.

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I think admin have other important and valid jobs to perform therefore they are taking it as secondary to delete the no replies thread. May be the no replies thread is kept because the admin hopes that it might well be answered by us and they are quite valid posts...!
People who ever interested may pick the no replies and answer. I think this is the aim of admin

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

These topic does not contain the good details that why they are not touch.
Many posts give good information but do not need reply. It makes no sense just to write- very nice information. Ifthe topic is not controversial or debatable and everyone will just agree, there would be no response. Hence 'no replies'.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

No replies will be decreased soon, if there is quality in the forums then no replies decreases

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

It may be due to reason of that members do not know about answers of these questions or topics are not interested.
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