There are 726 topics in no replies section.This is very bad we must reduce this slowly.

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I think most of them drew no response either members overlooked them or betrayed simple lack of interest!
The topics will be noticed if it has a interesting caption .
In earlier times a lot of posts used to be made and even some good ones were pushed back beyond the attention of members!
One can reply to the un replied threads or posts by the NO REPLIES option at the top. However the number of un replied threads are too many in number.
Chinmoy jee i replied some forums which are help full previously.There are many forums which are more than one year old.

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Yes,this is not good.We should reply on those topics and reduce that statistics or if no one replies on it then,we should remove those posts.

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Ronark it is better to remove it.There are many old ones.

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The old post which are of no use now,should be removed. Let see,what the other members and moderators has to say on this.

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There are more than 700+ topics in that i think only 100 will be valuable ones the others will be useless.

Lets wait and see the others say

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most of the members will be reluctant to answer to those threads after being warned not to post anything on such it is better to delete it together.
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