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general awareness can not be created forcefully. It has to come from within. People have to feel the need to reduce pollution. They have to understand the hazards of pollution. Some states have taken steps to controll pollution...plastic bags have been banned, ecofriendly carrybags are being used, there is regular and proper garbage disposal, vehicals are checked for pollution regularly and the vehical owners are heavily penalised if not abiding by the rules. But ultimatetely the question is of how much we ourselves are.
Yes you are right it must come from inside of people.They must feel problem of this activities are they feeling problem with this they are not even considering about it.

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How to bring awareness in people about all polluting things on mother earth.

People are already aware of it but they dont think seriously towards it.
before making people aware we should take 1st step. It is easy to advice but like Gnadhiji it should be applied first by all of us.
Every one should have aleast a minute responsibility to keep our earn clean by not threwing dust on the ways this is the first step i feel. they should threw it in the dust bin provided

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

Every one should have aleast a minute responsibility to keep our earn clean by not threwing dust on the ways this is the first step i feel. they should threw it in the dust bin provided


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sory it is not earn it is earth

I mean every one should clean their country clean throwing the dust in the provided dust bin on the roads

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

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