How to bring awareness in people about all polluting things on mother earth.

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people aware about it but they are not ready to take steps.we can take our own example how many steps we take to stop pollution . Answer is almost negligible.
Thank you said by: Soyuz Sharma
we have got acquainted with a lifestyle where we dump plastics after use and burn petrol for fun and needs. Unless we adapt ourself to a much more modest lifestyle ,the pollution cannot be solved.....
thats why we should make awareness among the people who are living on this mother land by making them know the bad effects of pollution and what they need to do and what they not to do

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

Most of educated people are aware about it .pollution is mainly caused by industries but people due to greed of money never worries about it.
thats why we should make awareness among the people who are living on this mother land by making them know the bad effects of pollution and what they need to do and what they not to do

do you think that the guys who use the luxury cars and use plastics do not know about the consequences....they have become used to their hifi lifestyle and they will not be ready to lose it....
At least some people among them dont know , and due to making them know the consequences they may get a good opinion and they may decide to changes few of the things which are not good

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

People should use less the polluted things as they can.For example we can use cycle in place of Motor cycle.
People should use less the polluted things as they can.For example we can use cycle in place of Motor cycle.

that is right..but no body even tries to follow it.... i know these things.. but still i use bikes whenever i go out. its hard to change the lifestyle to which you have got adjusted to...
But in few things if we think, we can change . Ok deepak you use bike whenever you go. while you are on the way. when any signal comes you will be stopping there but you won't stop your bike right. if you stop your engine, fuel also get saved and the a little bit of pollution also reduces. This can be implemented by every one. if this is passed as a traffic rule.

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

This can be stopped if we make a community in our town and start the pollution stopping tasks with discussing among them.
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