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This is the only idea to get read of hacking all on facebook.or else due to the mail Id only people are hacking the profiles

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

without providing your mail id...opening an account in facebook is not possible.
If that happens..facebook would become a spam site.number of spammers and fake accounts will increase.
It is unable to every one with out any email id to join in facebook.But you must have compulsary an id.

We can do one thing creating fake id only for facebook.This is a safest way from hackers.

Earn money just for joining in this site.

Though you create fake id but it is from gmail only know. that will be easy to hack

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

sarala you can create with different mail ids.I had a facebook account with yahoo also.

Earn money just for joining in this site.

yes , i agree. but it is from yahoo. you know we can easily hack yahoo account. so as that is easy , then by that mail id facebook account can be hacked

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

latest news is that the account of mark zuckerberg has been hacked...
Zuckerberg's long-time girlfriend Priscilla Chan is pictured in most of the photos. Some of them can be viewed publically on his public Facebook profile, but others are said to be private.
yesterday hackers hacked into the sonia gandhi's account in congress website and pasted some sexual messages on her profile.
Those are wonderful tips shared by Deepak and we should try to follow those precautions while browsing the site. Besides, I also find this thread containing a lot of updates about face book. Keep up your good work Deepak...!!! :)
Thank you said by: deepak
the tips given by deepak is really very useful. i m going to try the safety tips immediately. i dont want to give my account to hackers.
thanks to deepak.

Thank you said by: deepak
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