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friends...i would like to suggest that if you guys have any other tips regarding facebook lease share it could help me too..
Dear friends, If you visit a cyber cafe and find find any black pin attached to your CPU as shown in the picture, kindly do not use that system. This pin is actually a connection which save all your data you enter in the system.
Thus it is a risk to your privacy over net. Risk to passwords, banking or any data you entered.
that was great to know such a cyber cafe secret. But I know this before itself as i read in the forums only. anyway we are glad to know about this . thank you deepak

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

Deepak this one is already posted by me once upon a time.

Thanks for posting this once again.

Earn money just for joining in this site.

if you follow this tips your account wont be hacking in facebook is very much common...

I am following cross check with mobile whenever i login into facebook on my laptop but best tip is to remove your facebook account. :P
NOw a days the facebook became hackers site.It is tried 60000 hackers every day to hack this site.

Earn money just for joining in this site.

NOw a days the facebook became hackers site.It is tried 60000 hackers every day to hack this site.

so, better we opt out before its too late and our data gets compromised.
Anything used in limited manner means there will be no risk. so while using facebook, dont give your person info and dont upload your photos , even for profile also dont upload.I feel chating in facebook is not good at there are some hackers who can hack and get the chat history. its better to follow all these. then there will be no risk nothing. as nothing is there then no one will try to hack or hack your facebook account

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

if you follow this tips your account wont be hacking in facebook is very much common...

I am following cross check with mobile whenever i login into facebook on my laptop but best tip is to remove your facebook account. :P

just because you have got an injury on your leg means you wont cut your leg..abhishek removing your account is not the idea here..keeping it safe is......
NOw a days the facebook became hackers site.It is tried 60000 hackers every day to hack this site.

so, better we opt out before its too late and our data gets compromised.

abhishek i feel that you have got something hard against facebook....removing yourself from such exposure might not do you good in the long run..
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