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Anything used in limited manner means there will be no risk. so while using facebook, dont give your person info and dont upload your photos , even for profile also dont upload.I feel chating in facebook is not good at there are some hackers who can hack and get the chat history. its better to follow all these. then there will be no risk nothing. as nothing is there then no one will try to hack or hack your facebook account

you are right...hackers are definitely there...just because they are there we should not stop doing what we like...they are also like us...if they can do hacking..then surely we can prevent them from hacking....thats the way to go...
I feel when we know there is danger then why to give chance. So it is better to remove the account

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

I feel when we know there is danger then why to give chance. So it is better to remove the account

i thought you liked challenges...facebook is a challenge..keeping your account safe there is a challenge...
In every where hackers will be there it is not a difficult one to save our account.Just deleting our account details in it.

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yes, I agree every where hackers are there. so why to give them chance by maintaining our profiles liberally

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

In every where hackers will be there it is not a difficult one to save our account.Just deleting our account details in it.

account details are not the only thing hackers are looking for...they want acccess to your account....
There is one idea to avoid hacking and even facebook safty. The person who developed facebook should make a change that is facebook should not be related to any mail id . I mean suppose for registering we use gmail id. this feature should be changed. because by these mail ids only people are hacking the face book accounts . If the registeration of the facebook with out gmail id is done then there will be bit hard to hack an account.

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

sarala i think this is impossible to do .With out mail id no account will be there.

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There is one idea to avoid hacking and even facebook safty. The person who developed facebook should make a change that is facebook should not be related to any mail id . I mean suppose for registering we use gmail id. this feature should be changed. because by these mail ids only people are hacking the face book accounts . If the registeration of the facebook with out gmail id is done then there will be bit hard to hack an account.

a mail id is necessary for the authenticity of any site...this cannot be done
It is a good safety tips this is a very good thanks for providing this.
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