17 indians admit to having secret swiss accounts

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As a matter of fact, all bank accounts, in India or abroad are confidential and banks must not disclose details to third parties. What is relevant is that there should be no tax evasion. Tax evaders should not be spared and heavily penalized.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

To avoid black money we need to change currency every ten years.So there wont be no need of swiss accounts.

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Very good that at last some people are admitting that they have swiss accounts where they have stored their money. In a few days more people will be admitting it, I hope.
To avoid black money we need to change currency every ten years.So there wont be no need of swiss accounts.

that is impossible...i dont think that can be done.
As many of our leaders have swiss bank accounts. It is not serious matter that others also have an account there.
Indian Government should publish the list of accountholder's name .

until there is serious action taken against them nothing can be helpful.
The Swiss Govt. should, with the permission of the account holder, published the amounts in their respective banks to the public.
The other country governments should have the support from our country government so that it will become less accounts there.

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many lists are there now..but i am not sure if they are real...see this...
i don't know whether to believe it or not..?
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