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thank you vidhi I spend each and every free minutes at boddunan.

Sarala is very dedicated to work at Boddunan. Keep going.
I tried to maintain my regularity and I do not count my time I tried to remain active .

Santosh Kumar Singh


I Find you active at boddunan santhosh. I hope you are one of the dedicated member.
Thank you vidi and abhishek.

One more thing i be active at boddunan and gain points by forum posting, voting polls, writing articles and i even give karma to the people who have in minus. as i have done for abhishek. he used to have -9 karma but i only continuously increased it as i know he deserves good karma

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

Now a days i am not active in forums as some work in office but i spend more than 6 hours here.

Earn money just for joining in this site.

But I see you many a times in boddunan sasi. If u feel like your dedication is lacking and if you could improve on it, I think we will all be beneficial since we get lots of useful information from you.
Thank you arun but i had some work so busy now a days i will be active in forums and post some important things.

Earn money just for joining in this site.

Welcome Sasi. Expecting more active participation from you at forums in this New year.
Yes arun i will stay more time here but i will take some time to stay here.

Earn money just for joining in this site.

Now a days i'm quite busy on my office work but still i can manage to be active on boddunan for more than 3 hours.

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